UP-Coming Dances & Events
By · CommentsKSD November Dances:
November 17 – Under the Harvest Moon Dance. Shawn Butler and Aneesa Barge will be on stage.
December Dances:
December 8 – Silly Sweater Dance! Dig deep in your closet and fine the best silly Christmas sweater you have to wear. Shawn and Aneesa will be on stage. (We can’t get the Banquet Room on December 1st.)
December 15 – Holiday Hoedown! Join us for a rip-roaring time with Shawn and Aneesa.
As a reminder, KSD’s website is http://www.squaredealers.com. KSD also has two Facebook pages that contain announcements, pictures, videos, etc., that are relevant to our club and classes. Our main page is listed as Kennesaw Square Dealers, and the other one is Learn to Square Dance. Please like, join and follow one or both. Thanks!
Up-Coming Dances and Events
By · CommentsNovember Dances:
November 10 – Veterans Day Dance. (Yes, this is 2nd Friday as the Rec Center has something on the 1st Friday.) Shawn Butler and Aneesa Barge will be on stage.
November 17 – Under the Harvest Moon Dance. Shawn Butler and Aneesa Barge will be on stage.
Upcoming Dances
By · CommentsSeptember Dances:
September 29 – 5th Friday Dance with National Caller Nick Hartley. Aneesa Barge will be cueing. All dancers will be $8.00.
October Dances:
October 12 – Kaleidoscope Dance with Colorful Songs. Shawn Butler and Aneesa Barge will be calling/cueing. And YES, this is on Thursday night, so we don’t bump heads with the dance in Woodstock on Friday with Danny Weeks.
October 20 – Western Dance Party with a Hotdog Dinner! Our entertainment will be Shawn Butler and Aneesa Barge.
MASDA Dance at Mountain View:
September 30 – Dance with National Caller Nick Hartley. Anessa Barge will be cueing. MASDA Member are Free, Visitors are $10.00 per person.